Active substances
Calcium gluconate, magnesium chloride, magnesium hypophosphite.
Treatment of physiological and pathological states that cause hypocalcemia accompanied by hypomagnesemia
Dosage and route of administration
Young bovine: 25-100 ml/animal.
Adult bovine: 250-310 ml/animal.
In bovine, for the animals that do not recover within 4-8 hours treatment should
be reassessed and, if necesarry, should be repeated.Adult horse: 250-600 ml/animal.
Young horse:25 – 100 ml/animal.
Adult horse: 250-400 ml/animal.
Sheep, goats and swine: 25-50 ml/animal.
Piglets: 3-5 ml/animal.
Dog:5-20 ml/animal.
IV administration.
Withdrawal period
Zero days.
100 and 500 ml vials.
Registry no. 3948 ESP